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Ain’t got nothin ‘but love babe

13 Jul

Here Comes the Sun

11 Jul

Lonely Hearts Club Band

10 Jul

Beatles Week

8 Jul

We’re going to dedicate the upcoming days to all the Beatles fans because there are apparently a lot of them! We’ll start out with the obvious:

Happy 4th!

4 Jul

Unfortunately I do not have anything holiday related. Instead we’ll support the Phillies because they need all the help they can get these days.

Non Plates

3 Jul

A lot of people send me random things on cars now that aren’t plates but are funny/interesting/scary:

this I’m just scratching my head at:


2 Jul

I have 3 sisters-in-law, about to be 4, and as much as I love them, this is a bit…much?

Belated Fathers Day

18 Jun

Do you think this car was the result of a bet in which Dad won?

If dad is going to buy you a car, you might as well thank him:


Upgrade or Downgrade?

12 Jun

You be the judge.

Euro Cup

10 Jun

For all you Euro Cup fans:

I know one person who is excited: